
Green Event Tool (GET)

Green Events Tool (GET) is an integrated web-based assessment platform conceived and designed to evaluate the sustainability and environmental performance of events. It is developed, hosted and maintained by UNEP, the UNFCCC secretariat and the Gulf Organisation for Research & Development (GORD). GET Link

Purpose Net Zero

Purpose Net Zero is the simple sustainability solution for live events.

Our EPA/EU formulated event emissions calculator measures for the largest emissions factor, travel. Accounting for an average of 70-90% of overall event emissions, i.e. those related to the attendee travel footprints, Purpose Net Zero is a simple solution to facilitate conscious connection. Find out more at


The Council for Responsible Sport has a new, free tracking tool that is web-based called ReScore. And there's a free GHG (greenhouse gas) tracking tool that is easy to use.  There's a 15 minute how-to-use-this tool video that walks you through all of its functions, and shows where you need to put in information, and where to find that information. I would say if someone carves out anywhere between two to five hours they can get a good idea of their GHG emissions. There only needs to be basic information like, how many generators did you use on the day? And for how long did they run? How much square footage of rented space did you use? If you were at a convention center, how many miles did your staff travel running errands?

Circular Unity

The first carbon footprint management tool for events. Now it’s easier than ever to do carbon accounting and forecasting in your event.

Achieve net-zero emissions, circularity, and increase your events’ bottom line by optimizing your resources.

Data analysis and benchmarking provides actionable insights and predicts impacts. The goal is to empower event owners and organizers to achieve carbon neutrality, improve social equality and outline financial forecasts from sustainability indicators.

Our powerful all-in-one solution comes with an intuitive dashboard to map the events metabolism in the entire lifecycle, indicating how resources are been used in your organization, events, departments and facilities. Circular Unity

Trace by isla

The TRACE platform helps you measure and minimize carbon at live, hybrid and digital events.

Sustainable events are more achievable with recommendations to shape decision making in planning stages.

TRACE is the definitive carbon measurement platform for sustainable events, brought to you by isla, the industry body driving events to a net zero future. Trace by isla

GET (Green Events Tool) - Free

The GET helps organizers in calculating the carbon footprint generated due to events. GET’s carbon footprint calculator originated on UN Event GHG calculator. The calculator helps organizers estimate their GHG emissions prior to the event and later measure and compare their actual carbon footprint after the event. Offering a wide scope of GHG calculation, the tool covers carbon emissions linked with venue, international flight travel, local ground transportation, audio-visual systems, accommodation, exhibition and production, communications and catering activities. Green Events Tool

MeetGreen Calculator

The MeetGreen® Calculator is a comprehensive tool for benchmarking the sustainable elements of your events. At MeetGreen, we understand that greening events is a marathon, not a sprint, and using the Calculator will allow you to capture valuable information throughout the event planning process in order to make it easy to see your accomplishments and where improvements can be made. The tool assesses event management practices and measurable outcomes in 14 key categories to audit the environmental impact of conference activities. The Calculator integrates aspects of the ISO 20121 and Events Industry Council Sustainable Events Standards. From start to finish, we’ve got you covered. MeetGreen Calculator

Composted Food (Food Scrap) Calculator

Use this calculator for getting the amount of your diverted food scraps

Naturbag Food Scrap Calculator

MeetGreen Meal Carbon Footprint Calculator

Calculate the carbon footprint of your meal here.

Digital Event Calculator

Use this calculator for virtual events Link

ICAO Green Meetings Carbon Calculator

International Civil Aviation Organization has a free green meetings calculator here.

Carbon Footprint Calculator

Easy calculations for flights, cars, busses and more.

Carbon Dioxide Emissions Calculator

This carbon dioxide emission calculator will help you gain an approximate idea of how many tons of carbon dioxide some of your activities generate and how many trees it would take to offset those emissions - free to use!

Flights Calculator

My Climate Flight Emissions Calculator

Air Miles Calculator

Terrapass Carbon Footprint Calculator

For individuals, businesses and events.

Terrapass Calculator

Digital Event Carbon Calculator

Did you know that a six-hour online event for 4,000 people causes roughly the same carbon impact as a return flight for one person across the Atlantic? You’ll need some basic datas including total event participants, event duration, event shipments, pre-recorded content. This calculator was created by MeetGreen and Clear Current Consulting. The tool is free, but there is a tip jar at the end of the tool (please tip!).

Digital Event Carbon Calculator

Rock And Wrap It Up! Whole Earth Calculator

Rock and Wrap It Up! is launching an updated Whole Earth Calculator in 2020. The Food Recovery Calculator component of the WEC is on this page. Enter the lbs of food to be donated in the box on the form and hit Submit, and results on meals served, Greenhouse Gases (GHG) diverted from landfills and water sustainability appear immediately

Whole Earth Calculator

Mobile Version of the Calculator

Paper Calculator

The Paper Calculator is a publicly available web-based tool which allows users to calculate and compare the estimated environmental impacts of different paper choices using a science-based methodology grounded in life cycle assessment (LCA). LCA provides a unique, quantified approach for comparing the environmental performance of different sources of fiber.

Paper Calculator

Green Production Guide

This tool was created for the film industry, but it can work for event tracking as well. The PEAR (Production Environmental Accounting Report) is a tool to measure the environmental impact of your production based on the energy used in offices and on stages, the fuel used in vehicles and generators, and the emissions from air travel and accommodations. The PEAR can also report on waste, donations, and other environmentally-impactful purchases like water bottles, plywood, and paper.

Download PEAR